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Cystic renal disease 401 Transplantation Successful renal transplantation offers the potential for complete rehabilitation in nail fungus definition cheap 15 gm mentax amex, and is the treatment of choice for most patients with anti yeast antifungal shampoo cheap 15 gm mentax with mastercard, end-stage renal failure fungus gnats pyrethrin purchase 15gm mentax mastercard. Long-term immunosuppressive treatment is necessary (unless the donor is an identical twin antifungal cream yeast infection baby discount mentax 15gm online, i. This treatment comprises corticosteroids, azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil and ciclosporin or tacrolimus. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies such as antilymphocyte and anti-thymocyte globulin or basiliximab and daclizumab are potent immunosuppressives and are used in selected patients. The complications of renal transplantation and immunosuppression include opportunistic infection. They are usually asymptomatic and discovered incidentally on ultrasonography performed for some other reason. Cysts increase in size with advancing age and lead to renal enlargement and the progressive destruction of normal kidney tissue, with gradual loss of renal function. Diagnosis Clinical examination commonly reveals large irregular kidneys, hypertension and possibly hepatomegaly. Management No treatment has definitely been shown to slow disease progression or decrease cyst size. Blood pressure should be carefully controlled and disease progression monitored by serial measurements of serum creatinine. Many patients will eventually require renal replacement by dialysis and/or transplantation. Children and siblings of patients with the disease should be offered screening by renal ultrasonography in their 20s. Medullary sponge kidney Medullary sponge kidney is an uncommon condition characterized by dilatation of the collecting ducts in the papillae, sometimes with cystic change. Small calculi form within the cysts and patients present with renal colic or haematuria. They arise from the proximal tubular epithelium and may be solitary, multiple and occasionally bilateral. Clinical features Haematuria, loin pain and a mass in the flank are the most common presenting features. Left-sided scrotal varicoceles occur if the renal tumour obstructs the gonadal vein where it enters the renal vein. A presumptive diagnosis of renal carcinoma is made on imaging studies in patients with isolated solid renal masses and they will usually go straight to surgery (which provides tissue diagnosis and definitive treatment) without further investigation. Partial nephrectomy is used if there is bilateral involvement or the contralateral kidney functions poorly. Ablative techniques (cryoablation or radiofrequency ablation) are used in patients with significant comorbid disease who would not tolerate surgery. Metastatic or locally advanced disease Interleukin-2 and interferon produce a remission in 20% of cases. Urothelial tumours the calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and urethra are lined by transitional cell epithelium. They occur most commonly after the age of 40 years and are four times more common in males. Pain is usually due to locally advanced or metastatic disease but may sometimes occur from clot retention. Transitional cell cancers of the kidney and ureters present with haematuria and flank pain. Investigations Presentation is usually with haematuria and any patient over 40 years of age with haematuria should be assumed to have a urothelial tumour until proven otherwise. Treatment of bladder tumours depends on the stage, but options include local diathermy or cystoscopic resection, bladder resection, radiotherapy and local and systemic chemotherapy. Serum concentrations can be increased in any of these Diseases of the prostate gland 405 conditions and also after perineal trauma and mechanical manipulation of the prostate (cystoscopy, prostate biopsy or surgery).

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